Friday, October 30, 2020

Halloween Weekend Warning, Kicks-for-Cancer, Theater Under the Stars & More


With sincere gratitude, I write to express how thankful we are for all the efforts made to this point by members of the CCHS school community for this school year to be successful.  

Seven short months ago, it would have been inconceivable to consider that one of the major, albeit unofficial, metrics used to evaluate a school's success is whether or not they are learning in-person.  

If someone stopped me at Open House 2019 and asked that I answer the question highlighting the major reasons CCHS is among the best public school in the state and beyond, and if my response to that question was, "well, we are learning in person.  Are we not?" That answer in 2019 would border on insanity, and in 2020 it is an unofficial measure of success.  Clearly, we are more than simply open.  Our students and staff have risen to immense challenges and persevered through them.  Be proud!  

I write with cautious optimism about our future and with concern for the impending Halloween weekend. I have written on several occasions outlining the fragility of the current learning environment. We need not look far to discover schools recently closed due to large gatherings.

 We celebrate our ability to remain open on the eve of November; however, it is of momentary utility if we cannot hold on to all that is gained to this point. 

We can agree that in-person learning is best, so I urge most earnestly that you will weigh my words with care and refrain from engaging in any actions that might endanger the safety of others, and force a school closure.

For the greater good, we must make small sacrifices to ensure we remain open.  Temporarily forgoing large gatherings might seem like too large a sacrifice from the eyes of a teenager, but with the benefit of hindsight and distance from my teenage years, I can assure you the sacrifice is small, particularly when weighed against the ramifications for the 1500 individuals who come to CCHS over the course of a school week.  

Please make good decisions that keep us safe and allow us to remain open and retain a modicum of normalcy until this pandemic passes.  I do hope your weekend is filled with laughs and smiles.  


Michael J. Mastrullo


Please read on for highlights from Theater, Kicks-for-Cancer, and more.

6 October Blog Post


Like just about everything in our lives, Kicks-for- Cancer weekend looked different this year, but the fact that it even existed is a testament to the will of those responsible for making it happen. The enthusiasm demonstrated by our student-athletes was on full display. With a beautiful fall day as the backdrop, the morning began with a slew of volunteers decorating field entrances and providing students with a special atmosphere synonymous with this annual event.

On the fields, the boys and girls soccer programs wore their bright pink jerseys to raise awareness about breast cancer while our opponents from Lincoln-Sudbury donned the teal jerseys for ovarian cancer. The rivalry between schools on the pitch is always fierce, but both teams are united in their love and support of the name on the back of the jersey, which honors a loved one's courageous battle with cancer.

In addition to soccer, CCHS hosted the boys and girls Cross-Country teams from LS on Saturday on our redesigned course that traverses the entire campus. The runners and supporters along the course added to the day's festivities and spirit as they competed in the perimeter of the soccer fields.

Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to the Kicks-for-Cancer committee for their tireless efforts. Coordinating the details for this year's event required creativity, patience, hours of sacrifice, and a sense of humor. A special thank you to coaches and student-athletes to represent the best of our athletic program with leadership and humility. 

Field hockey technically did not have a role in KFC this year due to COVID-19 scheduling issues. Typically, we host Lexington and play the Sticks for Cancer game and participate in a Best Buddies at LHS.  This year non-league games are not allowed, so playing Lexington was not an option. The field hockey traveled to LS and secured a victory. 

I want to thank all members of our athletic program for making this season a safe one.  It took lots of effort and care, but it was, by and large, a success.  

A special thank you to Athletic Director, Aaron Joncas.  His tireless efforts have paid off, and even another surgery on an aging knee did not dampen his enthusiasm or derail our sports programs in any way.  Well done, Mr. Joncas.  

CC Theatre Under the Stars

We all long for normalcy during a year filled with so very little "normal."  CC Theatre Under the Stars provided a few hours over a few days of normal.  It was an amazing event. All the credit in the world goes to the cast and crew, the Director, Melissa Charych, the captain of all things, Ned Roos, and everyone else who contributed to the successful performances.

Last week, the CC Theatre crew and cast proudly presented an evening of five student-directed (including one student-written) one-act plays outdoors in our very first CC Theatre Under the Stars. A talented trio of CCHS Band trombone players opened the evening. 

Up to the very last minute, when high winds whipped through the amphitheater, we were faced with challenges, and, at every turn, students took the initiative and collaborated to meet them. Throughout the experience, the students brought the very best of themselves: leadership, gratitude, compassion, problem-solving, collaboration, and creativity. Here’s to the magic of high school theatre! Well done, all!

Extra Help Available for All Students

National Honors Society Support

If a student wants an NHS tutor, they can contact Madeleine Pooler directly or have one of their teachers reach out. 

The student and tutor connect to determine whether they want to meet in-person or virtually, where they would like to meet, and what time of day (before/after school, during free blocks).

Wednesday Afternoon Tutor Support

Students can access an additional support system utilizing our amazing CCHS tutors from 11:35-2:41 every Wednesday.  Students can attend either in person or virtually. 

SSERC & MARC Tutoring Support

We are also offering extra-help for all students through the SSERC and MARC.

There is no sign-up needed; however, tutors may turn students away if the numbers attending exceed the health and safety guidelines.  

SPED Program Tutoring

Currently, we are offering supports for our Special Education students through our various Special Ed. Programs (WRAP, LEAP, Harbor, Bridge, Alt Pro, and Pathways).

*Please note that LEAP (room 308) and BRIDGE (room 301) tutors set up individual zoom links, so students are encouraged to reach out to their teachers or LEAP / BRIDGE staff to do so unless they intend to come in for in-person support. 

Grade Dates & No Homework Nights

Friday, October 16, 2020

Kicks For Cancer, Field Hockey Captains, CC Theatre, Picture Day, On-Line Transcript Access & More

It is difficult to believe, but it is mid-October.  We opened the doors this fall filled with hope, cautious optimism, and a tremendous amount of uncertainty. Each day brings new challenges to solve, and a community-wide effort to sustain a successful opening.  Never one to shy away from a challenge, but 2020 has provided plenty to test our resolve and resourcefulness.  In an effort to make this the most daunting year in the last 50, we are in the midst of the final weeks of a bitterly contested election contest. I am eager for the election to be in the rearview. I make no predictions on the outcome, nor the aftermath, but I do know that our students regardless of political affiliation will rise to the challenge, and maintain proper decorum.  Respect need not and will not be deferred on 3 November.  

There are few things I enjoy more than watching high school students perform for our school. High school athletics, theatre, music, and the arts are not immune to changes imposed by the pandemic, but watching our students run around in their chosen sport this fall has brought me joy.  It is what they want to do and I am so glad they are.  I am equally excited about the upcoming Theatre production.  A team of students and staff led by CCHS Director and teacher Melissa Charych continues their preparation for an upcoming show.  I can't wait.  

Wishing you all a fantastic fall weekend!

Michael J. Mastrullo

Field Hockey Captain Video

Varsity field hockey captains typically use the annual parent social event as an opportunity to share their experiences in the program. The pandemic canceled the event, but it did not stop the field hockey captains from sharing their stories.

Please take a moment to watch the video made by 2020 captains Julia Clarke, Courtney Piper, and Emily Stone. Well Done!

Picture Day

Pictures will take place outside in a designated area on Monday, October 19, Cohort A, and Tuesday, October 20, Cohort B. Rain Date - Thursday, October 22, and Friday, October 23.  For order information Click Here and 2020 COVID Protocol 

2019 Photo Taken by William Owen

CC Theatre

CC Theatre proudly presents CC Theatre Under the Stars, an outdoor evening of five one-act plays about identity and relationships, who we are and how we relate to one another.  Performances will take place Thursday 10/22, Friday 10/23, and Saturday 10/24 (rain date Sunday 10/25) at 7:00pm outside in the CCHS amphitheater. Tickets will be available on the CC Theatre website 

All audience members should wear masks and maintain social distance throughout the entire performance. Content warning: Some plays contain mature language and content that may be considered inappropriate for children ages 12 and under.

Kicks For Cancer

Kicks for Cancer Virtual 2020 has launched and needs your support!  Although our lawn signs are sold out, we still need your help.  Please join the Kicks Team and make a donation today.  Read the compelling stories of the individuals we are honoring this year as we raise critical funds for cancer research:

Parent Coffee Meeting (Virtual) With CCHS Administration

Please join us on Monday from 10:15 - 11:15 for a parent coffee meeting. I am sorry to say that holding the meeting virtually requires you provide your own coffee, but I am hopeful the virtual meeting provides greater accessibility. The meeting is informal, conversational, and allows us to answer any questions you might have.

Michael Mastrullo is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 941 4980 3624 Passcode: 009199 One tap mobile +13126266799,,94149803624# US (Chicago) +19292056099,,94149803624# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 941 4980 3624 Find your local number:

Access your Transcript from Aspen Portal

Thanks to the great work of the IT and Guidance departments, all students are now able to access their unofficial transcript report from their Aspen accounts.  Please use this access to obtain this report.

You will log into your Aspen portal, click on My Info top tab, the transcript side tab, and then you will find the Unofficial Transcript under the reports menu.

Detailed instructions can be found here.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Health Update: 9 October

Dear Students & Families,

I write to provide a brief update related to an earlier communication from Dr. Hunter.  Contract tracing is complete, and families of students with a risk of exposure have been notified.  I appreciate the efforts of all involved.  

Never perfect and always room for improvement, but everyone worked with urgency and care. The situation is stressful for all involved, but none more than those directly impacted. I urge everyone to avoid unnecessary attempts to determine who tested positive, and who is considered a contact.  They deserve privacy and compassion during a most stressful time.  

Unless notified differently from a coach, athletic practices and games scheduled for today and this weekend can resume as planned.  For details regarding today and next week, Dr. Hunter will host a webinar with Concord Health Officials at 4:00p.m.  Details below.

Lastly, I include a blog post shared on 6 October. The fragility of this situation remains and today arrived with proof we don't need or want, but it does serve as a reminder that we must remain vigilant and steadfast to our collective safety, and that includes the message in my previous blog.  

Lastly, I want to thank the community for the tremendous support we have witnessed since this all began in the spring.  Words can't describe how grateful I am.  Thank you.  Stay safe.

With Gratitude,

Michael J. Mastrullo

6 October Blog

Important Health and Safety Information: Preventing Large Gatherings & Out-of-State Travel

Correspondence From Dr. Hunter

October 9, 2020

Dear Families:

I wanted to provide an update.  As you know, we have plans in place for this scenario and have a comprehensive plan in place to sanitize the school, inform families whose students were at risk of exposure or in close contact, and support the affected family as they navigate this stressful experience. 

Our student body and staff have been closely adhering to the safety protocols including mask-wearing, hand washing, and physical distancing. We are grateful to our families for their continued efforts to keep students home at the first sign of symptoms. These measures, taken in combination, greatly reduce the risk of additional transmission.  

Parents of students who were in close contact with the CCHS community member will be notified privately over the next several hours. We still await information as to the possible case at Peabody. Should we receive a positive test, we will notify those who are close contacts there as well.


We are committed to continuous communication with and support of our families.  In addition to regular updates via email, we are hosting a webinar with the Concord Health Officials at 4 p.m. this afternoon. The zoom link is found below. Thank you for your ongoing support.




You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Oct 9, 2020 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Parent Forum

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 213347
Or iPhone one-tap : 
    US: +13126266799,,92081860259#,,,,,,0#,,213347#  or +19292056099,,92081860259#,,,,,,0#,,213347# 
Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
        US: +1 312 626 6799  or +1 929 205 6099  or +1 301 715 8592  or +1 346 248 7799  or +1 669 900 6833  or +1 253 215 8782 
Webinar ID: 920 8186 0259
Passcode: 213347
    International numbers available:

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Important Health and Safety Information: Preventing Large Gatherings & Out-of-State Travel


I write to express gratitude and to share concerns we harbor.  Extending my sincere gratitude to all members of the CC community for a successful open of in-person learning.  The students have been fantastic.  We are proud of how well our students adapted and complied with essential safety measures.  Further, I marvel at how well school staff has adapted to a challenging learning environment.  It is impressive and inspiring.  

In-person learning remains the desired outcome, and our shared responsibility to ensure it continues exists in perpetuity.  Like most of what we see around us, nothing is impervious to change or improvement.  In terms of improvement, we need social distancing during mask breaks to improve.  

Often if you really want something, you will find a way, and if you don't, you find an excuse.  The vast majority want in-person learning, and we need to remain vigilant and continue to sacrifice for the sake of the broader community.  Attending sporting events, large concerts, and traveling without a modicum of concern for individuals beyond your inner circle are on hold for all of us.  

Simple, rudimentary measures remain an essential part of our collective well-being, including proper hygiene, social distancing, and wearing masks.  With the long weekend on the horizon, it serves as an opportune time to remind community members and students to avoid organizing, attending, and facilitating large gatherings.

Large Gatherings

 In a 14 September Blog PostI highlighted concerns we harbor based on events in neighboring towns.  Those concerns remain. As we witnessed in several towns in Massachusetts, one large gathering will likely lead to a fully remote learning environment for an extended period of time.  The towns who did deal with parties with large numbers of students attending had to learn remotely, postpone sports, and disrupt the lives of thousands of people while putting countless people at risk.  

We celebrate the success of the open, but we need to remain vigilant and recognize the fragility of the situation.  Without learning names, we were alerted to planned parties this coming weekend.  We typically do not chase rumors, and we certainly are not in the business of telling parents/guardians how to raise their children, but what we are saying is we need everyone to comply with local, state, and federal regulations that forbid large gatherings.  

If parents/guardians are traveling and leaving older children home, we respectfully request protocols are in place to ensure conditions are not conducive to students gathering in large numbers.   

During the pandemic, so much of our "normal" life is beyond our control.  Outside events and forces dictate much of our life.  Many realms are beyond the power of forecast at the moment; we must take advantage of what we can control and forecast.  Preventing large gatherings are within our control, and what we can control we must take advantage of.  Just as different components of nature need to work in concert for a healthy ecosystem, we need to work together as a school community to ensure a safe learning environment that includes in-person learning. We are grateful for your efforts and vigilance.  


Michael J. Mastrullo

Out-of-State Travel Protocols

Michael J. Mastrullo