Congratulations MIAA Coach of the Year, Matthew Goldberg
Congratulations, Coach Goldberg for being named MIAA's 2021-2022 Coach of the Year Award for Women's Swiming and Diving!
MIAA Coach of the Year Award States, “Recognizing Excellence in Character, Achievement, and Coaching”. This award seeks to recognize and honor “teacher coaches” who have had an impact on the lives of student-athletes, by encouraging them to succeed and by helping them develop self-confidence, ambition, a sound work ethic, and other skills or values necessary or helpful for success in their later lives. Award candidates have a record of encouraging student-athletes to be well-rounded (i.e. displaying excellence in areas of scholarship, citizenship, fine arts, etc.), as well as a reputation, among their peers and the athletic community, for fair play, good sportsmanship, and the development of these attributes in their student-athletes.
Please join us in congratulating Coach Goldberg on this outstanding achievement. Coach Goldberg will be honored at an awards banquet hosted by the MIAA, surrounded by members of CCHS's administration and other MIAA award recipients, in early December. Way to go, Coach!
Debaters Have GREAT Success at MSDL Novice Tournament
It is hard to believe that we are writing this note as Quarter 1 is coming to a close. As we have turned the calendar to November, our thoughts shift towards a time of giving thanks. We have so many things to be thankful for at CCHS. We encourage each of you to take a few minutes to create a few moments of gratitude in your day and then, when possible, share these thoughts with your family, students, and your community at large.
Quarter 1 ends on November 4 and Q1 grades are due on Monday, November 14 by 10:00 AM.
This weekend is a no-homework weekend for students. No assignments should be assigned over the weekend or any assessments planned for Monday.
Our CCHS Spirit Assembly is back! We will gather together to ramp up some school spirit on Wednesday, November 23. The blocks before the assembly will now be C, G, and B (in that order).
Friday, December 23 (the day before December break) is a half day. We will follow a normal Friday schedule for the first three blocks of the day with the normal bell times. (B5 8:00 - 9:00, C5 9:04 - 10:04, G5 10:08 - 11:08)
We will be beginning the important DEIB work with our 9th graders next with an all-grade assembly on Tuesday, November 8 during A block. The assembly will consist of a panel of students and faculty members offering their thoughts and experiences on the topics of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
The work will continue on November 14 and November 15 when each team will have a half-day DEIB workshop led by IDEAS instructors. These workshops will take place in the main gym. The schedule is as follows:
Monday, November 14, 8:00 - 11:00 AM: Willow Team
Monday, November 14, 11:40 - 2:40 PM: Maple
Tuesday, November 15, 8:00 - 11:00 AM: Oak Team
Monday, November 15, 11:40 - 2:40 PM: Elm
November 4 Q1 Ends, No Homework Weekend
November 8 9th Grade DEIB Assembly
November 11 Veteran’s Day - No School
November 14 Q1 Grades Due - 10 AM
November 14-15 Ninth-Grade DEIB Workshops
November 23 Spirit Assembly
November 24-27 Thanksgiving Break